Temo International Company Limited
Temo International Company Limited
was incorporated on 2012-10-24. This company is now live, their business is recorded as private. As so far this company has running for11 Years 11 Months 2 Days.- Registration Information
- CR No:1815741
- Company Name:
Temo International Company Limited
- Company Name(CN):
- Company Type:private
- Active Status:Live
- Date of Incorporation:24-10-2012
- Remarks:-
- Winding Up Mode:-
- Date of Dissolution:-
- Register of Charges:unavailable
- Important Note:-
- Name History:24-10-2012
Temo International Company Limited - Added:12-Nov-2015 4:25 PM
Source:Hong Kong Companies Registry, http://www.icris.cr.gov.hk/
- Last Company:
- Next Company:
Most small to medium sized companies in Hong Kong are set up as ‘private companies limited by shares’ and are commonly referred to as ‘private limited
A company limited by shares is the most common type of company for conducting business and trade. A company limited by shares has a share capital which is divided into a number of shares of certain value each. These shares are held by shareholders (investors) who are entitled to a share in the profits of the company and receive a dividend corresponding to their respective percentage of shareholding in the company.