Introv Limited

Hong Kong HK-1286113 Live

Introv Limited

was incorporated on 2008-11-10. This company is now live, their business is recorded as private. As so far this company has running for15 Years 11 Months 5 Days.
  • Registration Information
  • CR No:
  • Company Name:

    Introv Limited

  • Company Name(CN):

  • Company Type:
  • Active Status:
  • Date of Incorporation:
  • Remarks:
  • Winding Up Mode:
  • Date of Dissolution:
  • Register of Charges:
  • Important Note:
  • Name History:
    Introv Limited
  • Added:
    24-May-2015 12:50 PM
  • Source:
    Hong Kong Companies Registry,
  • Last Company:
  • Next Company:

Type Informations

Most small to medium sized companies in Hong Kong are set up as ‘private companies limited by shares’ and are commonly referred to as ‘private limited

A company limited by shares is the most common type of company for conducting business and trade. A company limited by shares has a share capital which is divided into a number of shares of certain value each. These shares are held by shareholders (investors) who are entitled to a share in the profits of the company and receive a dividend corresponding to their respective percentage of shareholding in the company.

Data disclaimer

The information provided on this site is all collected from official company registers and other public data sources. All the data are provided as a guideline and have been prepared only for information purposes only. Data could have changed since the last update!